Author Archives: stephkoltun
Plastique Fantastique, Breathing Volume
Plastique Fantastique is a team of artists focused on interactive installations in urban contexts. “Breathing Volume” is one such example that creates an immersive sound environment within a fluctuating and inflating fabric chamber.
Plastique Fantastique, Breathing Volume
Plastique Fantastique is a team of artists focused on interactive installations in urban contexts. “Breathing Volume” is one such example that creates an immersive sound environment within a fluctuating and inflating fabric chamber.
Oliver Michaels, Square in Square
In Oliver Michaels’ Square in Square Series, he creates new architectural compositions by combining photographs of various buildings into new forms.
Oliver Michaels, Square in Square
In Oliver Michaels’ Square in Square Series, he creates new architectural compositions by combining photographs of various buildings into new forms.
Straightened Trees, Daniel Temkin
By realigning slices of each photograph, Daniel Temkin creates distorted contexts around seemingly perfectly straight trees.
Straightened Trees, Daniel Temkin
By realigning slices of each photograph, Daniel Temkin creates distorted contexts around seemingly perfectly straight trees.
Postcards from Google Earth, Clement Villa
Clement Villa collects images from Google Earth that reveal unexpected moments in the system, often where there is meant to be a physical, vertical separation between two elements.
Postcards from Google Earth, Clement Villa
Clement Villa collects images from Google Earth that reveal unexpected moments in the system, often where there is meant to be a physical, vertical separation between two elements.
Damien Florebert Cuypers, Sketching New York Fashion Week
During the New York Fashion Week a few weeks ago, Damien Florebert Cuypers beautifully captured the styles of Spring 2017 and fashionable onlookers.
Damien Florebert Cuypers, Sketching New York Fashion Week
During the New York Fashion Week a few weeks ago, Damien Florebert Cuypers beautifully captured the styles of Spring 2017 and fashionable onlookers.
Michael Rock, The Accidental Power of Design
Often, what we have conjured assumes the sheen of inevitability, as if its results were inalienable facts in the world rather than the product of someone’s ideas and actions. In other words, design solidifies, and naturalizes, things that start off
Michael Rock, The Accidental Power of Design
Often, what we have conjured assumes the sheen of inevitability, as if its results were inalienable facts in the world rather than the product of someone’s ideas and actions. In other words, design solidifies, and naturalizes, things that start off
Julianne Swartz, Loop
Julianne Swartz creates beautiful and provocative sound installations. Loop is a tapestry woven from wire and speakers, playing a collage of non-speech audio.
Julianne Swartz, Loop
Julianne Swartz creates beautiful and provocative sound installations. Loop is a tapestry woven from wire and speakers, playing a collage of non-speech audio.
Timo Arnall, No to NoUI
Of course the interfaces we design may become normalised in use, effectively invisible over time, but that will only happen if we design them to be legible, readable, understandable and to foreground culture over technology. To build trust and confidence
Timo Arnall, No to NoUI
Of course the interfaces we design may become normalised in use, effectively invisible over time, but that will only happen if we design them to be legible, readable, understandable and to foreground culture over technology. To build trust and confidence
Max Dean, The Gross Clinic
Using broken animatronics figures from Ontario Place, Max Dean staged a surreal veterinary clinic of sorts. The photographs are stylistically and thematically inspired by classical paintings. See the photographs and installations restaged at Ontario Place during the In/Future festival from
Max Dean, The Gross Clinic
Using broken animatronics figures from Ontario Place, Max Dean staged a surreal veterinary clinic of sorts. The photographs are stylistically and thematically inspired by classical paintings. See the photographs and installations restaged at Ontario Place during the In/Future festival from
More Perfect
When Chief Justice Earl Warren was asked at the end of his career, “What was the most important case of your tenure?”, there were a lot of answers he could have given. After all, he had presided over some of
More Perfect
When Chief Justice Earl Warren was asked at the end of his career, “What was the most important case of your tenure?”, there were a lot of answers he could have given. After all, he had presided over some of