Issue 49
Kamil Kotarba, Hide and Seek
The endless refrain of “Stop looking at you phone!” is reinforced through Kamil Kotarba’s photographs of disembodied limbs attached to smartphones.
Kamil Kotarba, Hide and Seek
The endless refrain of “Stop looking at you phone!” is reinforced through Kamil Kotarba’s photographs of disembodied limbs attached to smartphones.
Geoff Manaugh, Where The Roads Have No Name
”Arsenault flipped to a few pages in Granville’s first town survey book to convey the difficulty involved in interpreting these old coördinates. Roads were described as commencing at stumps, or “beginning on the old road near a maple tree.” They
Geoff Manaugh, Where The Roads Have No Name
”Arsenault flipped to a few pages in Granville’s first town survey book to convey the difficulty involved in interpreting these old coördinates. Roads were described as commencing at stumps, or “beginning on the old road near a maple tree.” They
Plastique Fantastique, Breathing Volume
Plastique Fantastique is a team of artists focused on interactive installations in urban contexts. “Breathing Volume” is one such example that creates an immersive sound environment within a fluctuating and inflating fabric chamber.
Plastique Fantastique, Breathing Volume
Plastique Fantastique is a team of artists focused on interactive installations in urban contexts. “Breathing Volume” is one such example that creates an immersive sound environment within a fluctuating and inflating fabric chamber.
Oliver Michaels, Square in Square
In Oliver Michaels’ Square in Square Series, he creates new architectural compositions by combining photographs of various buildings into new forms.
Oliver Michaels, Square in Square
In Oliver Michaels’ Square in Square Series, he creates new architectural compositions by combining photographs of various buildings into new forms.